It is round three of our positive progress round-up, where we gather the latest stories in the news and shine the spotlight on some of the more hopeful and practical action that is being taken to improve the safety and wellbeing of women across Liverpool and nationwide. PRETTY LITTLE THING'S ANTI-RAPE CAMPAIGN Popular low-cost fashion brand Pretty Little Thing launched a campaign in conjunction with International Women's day 2022, responding to the common rape myth that a women's choice of clothing contributes to their chances of getting assaulted. According to PLT's website, they report that nearly 6 out of 10 women said it was commonly believed that women who go to parties wearing 'provocative' clothing are 'asking for trouble' which is where the hashtag comes into play: #MyDressDoesntMeanYes. The campaign was promoted by many fashion, beauty, and lifestyle social media influencers, and a unique line of slogan tote bags with the hashtag on, as well...