
Showing posts from March 20, 2022


It is round three of our positive progress round-up, where we gather the latest stories in the news and shine the spotlight on some of the more hopeful and practical action that is being taken to improve the safety and wellbeing of women across Liverpool and nationwide.   PRETTY LITTLE THING'S ANTI-RAPE CAMPAIGN  Popular low-cost fashion brand Pretty Little Thing launched a campaign in conjunction with International Women's day 2022, responding to the common rape myth that a women's choice of clothing contributes to their chances of getting assaulted. According to PLT's website, they report that nearly 6 out of 10 women said it was commonly believed that women who go to parties wearing 'provocative' clothing are 'asking for trouble' which is where the hashtag comes into play:  #MyDressDoesntMeanYes. The campaign was promoted by many fashion, beauty, and lifestyle social media influencers, and a unique line of slogan tote bags with the hashtag on, as well...

The Power and Control Wheel: Methods and Mindset of an Abuser

According to the Office for National Statistics,  for the year ending March 2020, an estimated  1.6 million women aged 16 to 74 years experienced domestic abuse  in the last year (ONS, 2020). It is difficult to collect accurate data about the number of people affected by domestic violence however because a lot goes unreported out of fear. When someone is in an abusive relationship, their whole world is completely controlled by the abuser, often faced with threats to their safety or loved ones if they were to ever speak up.  Below is a useful visual aid to help one understand how these abusers operate. It is also interesting to note that there is a historic misconception that domestic abuse only accounts for physical harm or sexual violence. This is wrong -  Emotional and psychological abuse may not leave physical marks, but  coercive control is just as debilitating. The wheel demonstrates the methods of power and control to contain their victim.  The w...