Tolerance Of Behaviours At The Bottom Supports Those Higher Up
Rape Myths and Rape Culture A myth is a widely held bar false belief or idea, or a misrepresentation of the truth. ‘Rape myths’ are often used by perpetrators to excuse their behaviour and create a greater hostility towards the victim, isolating them further. They can also form an unfair bias in society and influence the criminal prosecution process and therefore it is important to set the records straight. Here is a series of common rape myths and widely-held cultural beliefs, along with the factual truth which reinforces that is is NEVER the fault of the victim. *Trigger Warning* The following statements could be upsetting to some and we encourage you to read with caution and to seek support if you need. Support can be found via these websites: Myth: “If someone gets really drunk, it’s their own fault if they end up gett...